When my girls flew the nest last year, all the personality in their room went with them to their new homes so I'm taking this opportunity to give the room a new look and add something handmade - a simple butterfly collage in a shadow box frame.
Butterflies are by nature so beautiful, but the beauty of this project lies in just how quick it is to make.
All you need is a variety of butterfly punches and dies and a selection of coordinating papers. I've chosen black and white to suit the room. The Ribba frame is from Ikea and it comes in both black and white.
Discard the paper that came in the frame and cut a piece of cardboard to the same size. Use a pencil to mark the corners of the cut out and then connect the corners together with a ruler and pencil. Mark the half way point along each of the four sides to give you a guide to work to.
Punch/die cut a selection of butterflies. I've used Cuttlebug Combo Butterflies, Sizzix Birds & Butterflies by Eileen Hull and Martha Stewart Royal Butterfly punch. Using double sided tape, position the largest butterfly in the centre of the square. Fold the wings up a little to create some dimension.
Tape a smaller, similarly shaped butterfly on top and fold its wings up too.
Repeat with smaller butterflies on the left and right hand sides and then also at the top and bottom centre position.
Fill in the four corners and then carefully erase your pencil markings.
Place the mat from the frame over the mounted butterflies and then place it all in the frame.
Once I placed the frame in its new position, I decided it needed some black crystal flourishes to finish it. And it now sits happily amongst the other items on the bedside table.
For even more butterfly wall art ideas, take a look at these projects:
'Til next time.....

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